My friend
Mindy gives me a hard time because I use the phrase "oh heavens" quite a bit. For example, she told me her new roof is going to cost a ton of money, and I said "oh heavens." See how it's used? Anyway, I think it is appropriate for my post today as well.
I stopped in to visit
Sheri at
The Loopy Ewe yesterday after work. (Remember how I used to work there? That's the only downside to my new job - not being surrounded by yarn!) Anyway, Sheri has got to be the nicest person I know. She was kind enough to stay late so I could do a little birthday shopping for my friend
Kim. (By the time I post this Kim will already have her gift, so I'm safe.) I wanted to get Kim some roving, as she is really taking off with the spinning thing. However, I know absolutely nothing about spinning, so I went to an expert. Sheri helped me pick out what I think is some beautiful Enchanted Knoll roving. (Checking out all the roving
almost makes me want to learn to spin. Like I need another hobby.)
Here's where the "oh heavens" comes in. I
might have also bought a couple of skeins of yarn for myself. Ok, might isn't really the right word. I just plain did. I haven't bought sock yarn in quite while, and being in the middle of all of the gorgeousness at TLE was too much of a temptation for me. The good thing is, I now have a good income and can allow myself some fun money (read: yarn allowance) again. So, I splurged. Oh heavens.
This first one is Pagewood Farm Alyeska, in the Mississippi Mud Colorway. This stuff is 80% Merino, 10% Cashmere, 10% Nylon. It is absolutely dreamy. For some reason I have been on a golden kick; I don't know if I'm thinking about Fall, or honey, or bees, or what, but this color is exactly what I was looking for.

And the second one is Creatively Dyed Yarns Luxury in the Cabin in the Woods Colorway. And guess what? It is also 80% Merino, 10% Cashmere, 10% Nylon. See a theme here?

(I wish I could figure out why this photo keeps flipping sideways. It did that in Flickr too; it's driving me crazy.)
As much as I am dying to start knitting both of these yarns, I am presently winning the struggle against the cast on monster. This is because I have a boat load of projects on the needles. Even so, the urge to cast on something new is about to drive me nuts. Casting on is my drug of choice, I suppose. I love the rush I get from starting something new, and for the first few days I can't get enough of that project. Once the newness (high) wears off, I have such an urge to start something else that it's almost ridiculous. Does anyone else know how I feel? I keep trying to justify it all by telling myself that it's ok to have a ton of WIPs and UFOs, but I can't seem to get rid of the guilt. And so I continue to fight my addiction...